Health & Safety


We have a team of experts who provide health and safety services to ensure your business meets its legal obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 avoiding financial and reputational exposure and promoting best practise.

We get to know your organisation, working proactively with you to ensure the effective management of health and safety. Making sure procedures in place to react to events that could cause harm and advising on specialist areas using our expertise.

We offer a range of risk management approaches:

  • Building inspections
  • Statutory compliance audits
  • A review of policies and practices
  • Risk assessments and accident reporting analysis
  • Accident investigations
  • Initiating policies and procedures

Our specialism includes:

  • Fire risk assessments
  • Accessibility reports
  • Glazing surveys
  • Lightning risk assessments
  • Security audits
  • Display Screen Assessments

Our inspection of your premises includes:

  • The reporting of good practice and recommendations and areas of concern
  • Legislation and issues occurring in similar industries and identified by the HSE
  • Action plans of priorities
  • A dedicated phone line for follow up advice and guidance on all health and safety matters

Our audit of your paperwork includes:

  • The provision of compliance and standards
  • An assessment against statutory compliance
  • A comprehensive report including GAP analysis

Accident Reporting:

Accident reporting and tracking trends is key to any successful business and our system allows you to record and review accidents, incidents and near misses with our health and safety team on hand to assist and advise with any support required and advise when the incident is reportable to The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).

Our specialism includes:

  • gives you access to a statutory compliance system
  • allows you to store, review and track when key compliance is required
  • gives you access to a wide range of risk assessments
  • assists you with the day to day running of your business
  • allows the user to store and view documents securely under GDPR UK
  • gives you control, ensuring key staff can securely access, amend and approve documentation, which can be sent to our team of experts

Our Health and Safety Associated training modules:


We provide an extensive range of health and safety and human resource management support services for commercial and public sectors.

Health and Safety Management

The course provides a range of ranges from safety management functions, providing a thorough grounding for those who do not have specialist knowledge in the area of health & safety. Above all this course is practical and will equip you with knowledge to perform this part of your job to a high standard and to be able to cascade your knowledge throughout the organisation.

Fire Awareness and Fire Warden Training

Fire warden training will provide you with competent people to ensure that the risk of fire is minimised and that fires that do occur are dealt with swiftly and effectively, minimising danger to life and property. Having fire wardens has shown to be the quickest, most effective way to evacuate a building. It is also seen as a pro-active approach – fire wardens can be used to identify fire hazards and dangers before a fire occurs.

Manual Handling

The course covers how to move objects safely, so that risk to injury or strain is reduced. You will learn how to improve manual handling techniques, move and handle loads safely and be able to conduct a personal manual handling risk assessment.

View all of our training courses:

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 845 8622684

Head Office

Almshouses, Great Brington,
Northampton, NN7 4HY

Operating hours

Monday - Friday:
8am - 5.30pm

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