

We have a team of experts who provide a range of safeguarding support. The welfare of children and the people who support them is at the heart of everything we do.

Working in calibration with multi-academy trusts, academies, maintained schools and early years settings we ensure you will have the knowledge and confidence to manage your safeguarding responsibilities and compliance. We offer a range of safeguarding cost-effective services to support you to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and provide them with a safe environment in which they can learn.

Our Safeguarding service includes:

  • Safeguarding Audit our experienced practitioners, who have worked in schools at a senior level for a number of years, will complete an annual audit. They have experience of Ofsted inspections and current requirements. The audit is a supportive way of assessing, from an external perspective, any improvements that can be made to strengthen the safeguarding of children.
  • Single Central Record managing the Single Central Record is a statutory requirement in Keeping Children Safe in Education. It is often the first document Ofsted inspectors will review to determine if those working in school are safe to do so. Our experts will review and support your administration staff to ensure the Single Central Record is accurate and complete and ensure they have the understanding for the daily management of the document.
  • Supervision we believe that effective supervision for designated safeguard leaders is essential for in the school’s approach to keeping children safe whilst also addressing staff wellbeing. We understand that the role can be demanding and confidentiality limits the DSL to offload. Supervision is offered on both a 1:1 basis or group session to ensure a safe and confidential environment to talk openly about any concerns or worries. Our trained supervisors are able to reframe situations and make them more manageable, it also allows the DSL to talk about any case and receive support and advise from our experienced supervisors.

Our safeguarding online portal:

Our web-based electronic safeguarding system enables all staff and volunteers to quickly record any safeguarding concerns. It automatically alerts key members of staff of issues raised and it builds up a chronology of concerns and actions taken around the child. It is an audit tool for all information uploaded and actions taken.

Our Safeguarding Associated training modules:


We provide an extensive range of Safeguarding support services for educational settings, commercial and public sectors.

Safeguarding Awareness Training

This course provides the awareness and skills to act appropriately and confidently to protect vulnerable children and adults you work with. Fully understand the implications of the legislative changes. To understand the importance of taking a proactive approach. Understanding types of abuse, prevention, reporting concerns and overcoming barriers. What steps your organisation needs to take to look after the safety and welfare of adults, children and young people (confidentiality, policy and procedures)

New to Role DSL and DSL Training

Courses for anyone who comes into regular contact with children and young people and who would like to update or further develop their skills and knowledge in the role as a Designated Safeguarding Lead (Officer).

PREVENT Awareness Training

This course follows the recommended content and key messages as defined by the Home Office in raising awareness of the Prevent Strategy, understanding the radicalisation process and the identification of appropriate safeguarding referral processes including CHANNEL in line with the requirements of The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015.

Safer Recruitment Training

It is mandatory that no interview panel be convened without at least one panel member having been trained in safer recruitment practices. The Safer Recruitment Workshop provided by an accredited Safer Recruitment Trainer, accredited by the Children’s Workforce Development Council the DfE and recognised by Ofsted.

Deescalation and Positive Intervention Training

This course is designed for low risk schools where staff may need understanding and support when de-escalating challenging behaviour. This course covers: personal safety, non-verbal and verbal de-escalation communication strategies, positive handling techniques (if needed), theory and guidance to ensure the recording and documentation of events, including an examination of the legal framework with respect to physical intervention by school staff is an integral part.

View all of our training courses:

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 845 8622684

Head Office

Almshouses, Great Brington,
Northampton, NN7 4HY

Operating hours

Monday - Friday:
8am - 5.30pm

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