Well Being


Employers have a legal responsibility to help their employees with health issues, including mental health and wellbeing.

Like any other safety or health hazard at work, work-related mental health issues must be assessed to measure the levels of risk to staff. Where a risk is identified, steps must be taken to remove it or reduce it as far as reasonably practicable.

What we offer:

We will support you to take action on work-related stress, by using the HSE Management Standards, you can meet parts of the core standards framework to:

  • Form part of a mental health at work plan
  • Promote communications and open conversations, by raising awareness and reducing stigma

We help Leadership Teams create better workplace experiences for their people. Workplaces that result in better productivity, profitability and organisational performance.

Our well being online portal:

Our online portal includes a confidential survey for staff and young people in order to comply with Health and Safety Acts and Regulations.

Our service includes:

  • Providing a mechanism for monitoring actions and outcomes
  • Producing, implement and communicate a mental health at work plan that promotes good mental health of all employees and outlines the support available for those who may need it
  • Developing mental health awareness among employees by making information, tools and support accessible
  • Encouraging open conversations about mental health and the support available when employees are struggling, during the recruitment process and at regular intervals throughout employment, offer appropriate workplace adjustments to employees who require them
  • A referral Scheme to a professionally trained Counsellor.
  • A survey for staff and pupils in order to comply with Health and Safety Acts and Regulations.
  • Completion of a report and further recommendations
  • Two hour stress awareness training for staff
  • Personal risk assessments following occupational health referrals

Our Well Being Associatedtraining modules:


We provide an extensive range of Well Being support services for commercial and public sectors.

Stress Management and Awareness Training

Ensuring employers legal obligations are in place for managing and reducing stress in the workplace. Identifying suitable systems, enabling consultation and supportive action to assess the risk of stress. Highlighting the importance of an action plan and monitoring of measures to prevent and reduce stress.

Deescalation and Positive Intervention Training

This course is designed for low risk schools where staff may need understanding and support when de-escalating challenging behaviour. This course covers: personal safety, non-verbal and verbal de-escalation communication strategies, positive handling techniques (if needed), theory and guidance to ensure the recording and documentation of events, including an examination of the legal framework with respect to physical intervention by school staff is an integral part.

View all of our training courses:

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 845 8622684

Head Office

Almshouses, Great Brington,
Northampton, NN7 4HY

Operating hours

Monday - Friday:
8am - 5.30pm

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